Http Www Europa Eu Int Comm Eurostat

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WPIIS May 2006: « E-skills measurement » Measurement of e-skills Outline ¾Relevance ¾Definition problems and scope of Eurostat's work ¾Skills measurement in the household survey ¾Future work: ad hoc module on digital literacy in the 2007 household survey and on e-skills in the 2007 enterprise survey. Coordinator Karin Winqvist (Eurostat, Unit D-1) Jean Monnet Building L-29 20 Luxembourg Tel. (352) 1 Production The data processing, statistical analysis, design and desktop. EU membership with the candidate countries, the new political need for statistical indicators used in the context of the benchmarking method, etc. Have all increased the pressure on the ESS and in particular on Eurostat (the statistical office of the European Union), to.

用'eurostat'造句'eurostat'怎么读 中文翻译手机版
  • 统计处
  • 'european statistical office (eurostat)'中文翻译 欧洲共同体统计局
  • 'eurostep'中文翻译 欧洲争取人民平等参与团结会
  • 'eurostar'中文翻译 欧洲之星牌大客车; 洲之星
  • 'eurosterling'中文翻译 欧洲英磅
  • 'eurosport pacific'中文翻译 欧洲体育太平洋频道
  • 'eurosystem'中文翻译 银行体系
  • 'eurosport'中文翻译 欧洲体育台; 体育台
  • 'eurosystem hospitalier'中文翻译 欧洲医院设备公司
  • 'eurospace'中文翻译 欧洲工业空间研究组织; 欧洲工业用面积问题研究组
  • 'eurotalk-talk now-spanish'中文翻译 谈遍欧洲-西班牙语初级-现在就说
  • 'eurosol'中文翻译 家用型
  • European union : eurostat
  • Oecd / eurostat 2004 questionnaire on environment statistics , waste section
  • Meanwhile , the eurostat data showed imports into the eu from russia grew faster last year than those from china , rising by 25 per cent to ? 136 . 9bn
    与此同时,欧盟统计局的数据显示,欧盟去年从俄罗斯的进口额增幅超过了中国,达25 % ,总金额为1369亿欧元。
  • Irish prices are the dearest in europe for communications , and second dearest in five other categories of spending , according to figures published in a eurostat report , consumers in europe
用'eurostat'造句 其他语种
  • eurostatとは意味:

    EUROSTAT {略} : Statistical Office of the European Communities EC統計局◆【URL】

  • eurostatとは意味:

    EUROSTAT {略} : Statistical Office of the European Communities EC統計局◆【URL】

Eurostat is a Directorate-General of the European Commission located in Luxembourg. Its main responsibilities are to provide statistical information to the institutions of the European Union (EU) and to promote the harmonisation of statistical methods across its member states and candidates for accession as well as EFTA countries.
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Http Www Europa Eu Int Comm Eurostat Online

  1. EC (2002) Decision No. 1600/2002/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 July 2002 laying down the Sixth Community Environment Action Programme. Official J. Europ. Commun. L242, 10. 9. 2002: 1–15

  2. European Council (2000) Lisbon European Council: Presidency Conclusions. Available from

  3. European Commission (2004a) COM(2004) 353 final. Communication from the Commission 'Science and technology, the key to Europe's future – Guidelines for future European Union policy to support research'

  4. European Commission (2004b) COM (2004) 101 final/2 Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament 'Building our common Future: Policy challenges and Budgetary means of the Enlarged Union 2007–2013'

  5. European Commission (2004c) COM(2004) 38 final. Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament 'Stimulating Technologies for Sustainable Development: An Environmental Technologies Action Plan for the European Union'

  6. Focus matrix 1 3 3 x 3. European Parliament and European Commission (2000) Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy. Official J. L327, 22. 12. 2000: 0001–0073

  7. European Parliament and European Commission (2002) COM (2002) 179 final. Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions 'Towards a Thematic Strategy for Soil Protection'

  8. EUROSTAT (2004) Yearbook 2004 – The statistical guide to Europe, 1992–2002, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. Available from

  9. CORDIS – Community Research and Development Information Service.

  10. EUGRIS – The European Sustainable Land and Groundwater Management Information System. Accompanying Measure under the 5th EU RT&D Framework Programme from 2002 to 2005

  11. IMAGE-TRAIN – Innovative Management of Groundwater Resources in Europe – Training and RTD Co-ordination Project., Accompanying Measure under the 5th EU RT&D Framework Programme from 2001 to 2004

  12. The Lisbon Strategy.

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