Mathtype 7 4 3 X 4

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Mathtype 7 4 3 X 3 14. Download or Renew a Personal Copy of MathType. To download MathType 7.4 for installation, or to renew your MathType 7.3 or 7.4 licenses through December 10, 2020, click the appropriate link below and follow the directions presented. Download or Renew MathType 7.x for Windows. We don't have any change log information yet for version 7.4.4 of MathType. Sometimes publishers take a little while to make this information available, so please check back in a few days to see if it has been updated. Write equations with an interface that provides a user-friendly experience from day one; forget about having to learn LaTeX to write math on a computer. It does not matter if you are a beginner or an advanced user, MathType is for everyone and adapts to your personal style of writing math, so you can focus on your projects at hand. MathType has had 1 update within the past 6 months. What's new in version Version License dialog is now accessible and compatible with screen-readers.

All macOS versions are now compatible with MathType in Microsoft Word online, desktop and on iPad, available through the release of our MathType Add-In for Microsoft 365. While this option doesn't fully replace MathType 7 for macOS, we hope this tool helps you keep on including MathType in your workflow. Install it now and try it for free on the Microsoft app store

1. Will MathType 8 for macOS (macOS Catalina/BigSur) ever be a thing?

Not for the foreseeable future. While we are still considering options, we believe that a math editor embedded as an Add-In or an Add-On is the way to go for the future of our main MathType deployment.

2. Can I edit my equations created with MathType 7 or older versions?

Yes, you can. You will need to convert first your MathType 7 equations into editable equations using the bulk conversion command. Please notice that once converted, these equations won't be editable with MathType 7 again. Read more about the conversion in our documentation.

3. Is the Add-In available only for Microsoft Word?

The current addin is available for :

  • - Word on iPad
  • - Word on Mac (Microsoft 365 and Office 2021)
  • - Word on Windows (Microsoft 365 and Office 2021)
  • - Word on the web

Focus matrix 1 3 3 x 3. 5. Will the Add-In work only in Word or in other Office applications too?

For the moment, the Add-In will only be available for Microsoft Word application, although our immediate roadmap contemplates the implementation of MathType Add-In in Powerpoint too.

7. Can I edit my equations created with Microsoft Word default equation editor?

This option is available for now on the desktop version of Microsoft Word. In order to do so, you need to select the whole equation and then open our Add-In. This feature is planned to be released in the future for Microsoft Word 365 online but it still requires development steps both from Microsoft and us.

4. Do I have to pay an extra-subscription for the Add-In?

The Add-In comes free with your existing MathType subscription and you'll be able to download it directly from Microsoft Word's embedded Add-In store.

6. Are the equations created with MathType Add-In compatible with MathType for Google Workspace?

Given the differences in Google and Microsoft online office suites, it is not possible right now to edit equations created with Microsoft Word's Add-In within Google Workspace's Add-On (and vice versa). However, it's a feature that our team is working on right now and that we plan to include in the future.

MathType 7 is compatible with macOS versions up to Mojave 10.14. It is not compatible with 64-bit versions such as macOS Catalina or Big Sur.

Please also note that this incompatibility does not affect MathType for Google Docs and Slides, or MathType for Windows.

Our support team is here to assist you, you can contact us at for technical queries, or for general information.


This document is describes MTEF, the binary equation format used by EquationEditor 3.x (allplatforms). MTEF is embedded in OLE equation objects produced by EquationEditor, as well as inall the file formats in which Equation Editor can save equations. The methods used byEquation Editor toembed this information in such files is described in a separate document. See How MTEF is Storedin Files and Objects.

This file was archived on November 9, 2000 and recovered using the Wayback machine.The MathType folks have more recent documentation, but the license restrictions are incompatible with theGPL.


  • Header
  • MTEF Byte Stream
  • Record Details


This document is describes the binary equation format used by MathType 3.5 (allplatforms). Although MTEF is not the most friendly medium for defining equations, therehave been so many requests for this information, we decided to publish it anyway. We mustwarn the reader that it is not an easy format to understand and, more importantly,MathType is not at all forgiving in its processing of it. This means that if you sendMathType MTEF with errors, it might crash. At a minimum, you will get an equation withformatting problems. Also, it is a binary format. This means that you can't use characterstrings to represent equations and it makes creating MTEF a little harder with programminglanguages like Visual Basic.

How MathType stores an equation description in an OLE equation object, a file, or onthe clipboard is not described here. Please see the document on MathType MTEF Storage formore information on this subject.


MTEF version history:

MTEF data exists in the following versions:

0MathType for the Mac 1.x (this format is not described here);
1MathType for the Mac 2.x and MathType for Windows 1.x;
2MathType 3.x and Equation Editor 1.x;
3Equation Editor 3.x (the format described here);
4MathType 3.5.

Version 2 differs from version 1 only in the format of the header.

MTEF header (version 1):

The version 1 header consists of a single byte version number. This number is 1 if theMTEF was generated on the Mac or 101 if it was generated by the Windows version.

MTEF header (version 2 and later):

The version 2 header consists of a 5-byte header:

0MTEF version3
1generating platform0 for Macintosh, 1 for Windows
2generating product0 for MathType, 1 for Equation Editor
3product version3
4product subversion0

MTEF Byte Stream

Mathtype 7 4 3 X 4

This section describes the actual MTEF data following the header. MTEF data consists ofa series of records. Each record starts with a tag byte containing the record type andsome flag bits. The overall structure is:

  • initial SIZE record
  • PILE or LINE record
  • contents of PILE or LINE
  • END record

Most MTEF values are bytes. Word values (16-bit) are written low-order byte followed byhigh-order byte. All dimensional values are expressed in MathType's internal units,32nds of a point (A point is 1/72 inch).

Tag byte structure:

Each tag byte consists of a record type in the low-order 4 bits and option flags in thehigh-order 4 bits. The following record types are used:

0ENDend of MTEF, pile, line, embellishment list, or template
1LINEline (slot) record
2CHARcharacter record
3TMPLtemplate record
4PILEpile (vertical stack of lines) record
5MATRIXmatrix record
6EMBELLcharacter embellishment (e.g. hat, prime) record
7RULERruler (tab-stop location) record
8FONTfont name record
9SIZEgeneral size record
10FULLfull size record
11SUBsubscript size record
12SUB2sub-subscript size record
13SYMsymbol size record
14SUBSYMsub-symbol size record

Option values:

The option flag values are record-dependent:

Option flag values for all equation structure records:
0x8xfLMOVEnudge values follow tag
Option flag values for CHAR records:
0x1xfAUTOcharacter is a candidate for function recognition
0x2xfEMBELLcharacter is followed by an embellishment list
Option flag values for LINE records:
0x1xfNULLline is a placeholder only
0x4xfLSPACEline spacing value follows tag
Option flag values for LINE and PILE records:
0x2xfRULERRULER record follows LINE or PILE record

Nudge values:

LINE, CHAR, TMPL, PILE, MATRIX,and EMBELL records may store the result of nudging (smalloffsets applied by the user). A nudged record has the xfLMOVE flag (0x8) set in the tagbyte and the tag byte is followed immediately by the nudge offset. The nudge offsetconsists of either two bytes or six, depending on the amount of offset. If -128 < dx < +128 and -128 < dy < +128,then the offsets are stored as two bytes, dx followed by dy, where each value is biased by128. Otherwise, two bytes of 128 are stored, followed by the (unbiased) offsets, dx anddy, stored as 16-bit values.

Typeface values:

CHAR records contain a typeface value (biased by 128). Ifthe value is positive, it represents one of MathType's styles:


If the value is negative, it represents an explicit font as specified by a FONT record.

Object lists:

LINE, CHAR, TMPL, PILE, MATRIX,and RULER records are followed by object lists that definecontents of each equation structure. Each object list contains a sequence of records ofany type and terminated by an END record. In a special case for LINE records, if there are no objects in the list, the xfNULL flagwill be set in the tag byte and the object list is omitted entirely (i.e. no END record). Although there are no restrictions made by the MTEFformat on what record types may occur in any particular list, the user interface preventscertain things from happening. For example, the object list defining the contents of apile contains only LINE records.

Record Details

END record (0):

Contains just the tag byte. No flags are defined.

LINE record (1):

Consists of:

  • tag (1)
  • [nudge] if xfLMOVE is set
  • [line spacing] if xfLSPACE is set
  • [RULER record] if xfRULER is set
  • object list contents of line (a single pile, characters and templates, or nothing)

The line spacing value, if present, is the distance between the baseline of this lineand the line above it.

CHAR record (2):

Consists of:

  • tag (2)
  • [nudge] if xfLMOVE is set
  • [typeface] typeface value (see FONT below) + 128
  • [character] 16-bit character value (encoding depends on typeface)
  • [embellishment list] if xfEMBELL is set (embellishments)

Associated with every font is an encoding (a one-to-one mapping between character valueand glyph; e.g. ASCII). The character represented by the character value is determinedaccording to the encoding of the typeface value. The 16-bit character value is aUnicode value if the font is a text font or a font index if the font issymbolic.

TMPL record (3):

Consists of:

  • tag (3)
  • [nudge] if xfLMOVE is set
  • [selector] template selector code
  • [variation] template variation code
  • [options] template-specific options
  • [subobject list] either a single character (e.g. sigma in a summation) and/or lines

The template selector and variation codes determine the class of the template andvarious properties of the template, such as which subobjects can be deleted by the user(see Template Selectors and Variations for a list). Theclass of a template determines the order and meaning of each of its subobjects (see Template Subobject Order).

The template-specific options field is only used for integrals and fence templates:

Integral template option field values:
0fixed-size integral;
1the integral expands vertically to fit its contents.
Fence template option field values (fence alignment):
0center fence on math axis, place math axis of contents on math axis of containing line (default);
1center fence on contents, place math axis of contents on math axis of containing line;
2center fence on contents, center contents on math axis of containing line.

PILE record (4):

Consists of:

  • tag (4)
  • [nudge] if xfLMOVE is set
  • [halign] horizontal alignment
  • [valign] vertical alignment
  • [[RULER record]] if xfRULER is set
  • [object list] list of lines contained by the pile

Horizontal alignment:

1left justification
3right justification
4relational operator alignment
5decimal point alignment

Vertical alignment:

0alignment with baseline of top line
1alignment with baseline of center line
2alignment with baseline of bottom line
3vertical centering

MATRIX record (5):

Consists of:

  • tag (5)
  • [nudge] if xfLMOVE is set
  • [valign] vertical alignment of matrix within container
  • [h_just] horizontal alignment within columns
  • [v_just] vertical alignment within columns
  • [rows] number of rows
  • [cols] number of columns
  • [row_parts] row partition line types
  • [col_parts] column partition line types
  • [object list] list of lines, one for each element of the matrix, in order from left-to-right and top-to-bottom

The values for valign, h_just, and v_just are described in PILEabove.

The row partition line type list consists of two-bit values for each possible partitionline (one more than the number of rows), rounded out to the nearest byte. Each valuedetermines the line style of the corresponding partition line (0 for none, 1 for solid, 2for dashed, or 3 for dotted). Similarly for the column partition lines.

EMBELL record (6):

Consists of:

  • tag (6)
  • [nudge] if xfLMOVE is set
  • [embell] embellishment type

The embellishment types are:

2embDOTsingle dot
3embDDOTdouble dot
4embTDOTtriple dot
5embPRIMEsingle prime
6embDPRIMEdouble prime
7embBPRIMEbackwards prime (left of character)
9embHAThat (circumflex)
10embNOTdiagonal slash through character
11embRARROWright arrow
12embLARROWleft arrow
13 embBARROWdouble-headed arrow
14embR1ARROWright single-barbed arrow
15embL1ARROWleft single-barbed arrow
16embMBARmid-height horizontal bar
18embTPRIMEtriple prime
19embFROWNover-arc, concave downward
20embSMILEover-arc, concave upward

RULER record (7):

Consists of:

Mathtype 7 4 3 x 4 5 as a fraction
  • tag (7)
  • [n_stops] number of tab-stops
  • [tab-stop list] tab-stops in order from left-to-right

Each tab stop is described by a tab-stop type (0 for left, 1 for center, 2 for right, 3for equal, 4 for decimal), followed by a 16-bit offset from the left end of the slot orpile with which it is associated.

FONT record (8):

Consists of:

  • tag (8)
  • [tface] typeface number
  • [style] 1 for italic and/or 2 for bold
  • [name] font name (null-terminated)

This record associates a typeface number with an explicit font and style. The typefacenumber is the negative (which makes it positive) of the typeface value (unbiased) thatappears in CHAR records that might follow a given FONT record.For example, a 3 in the FONT record corresponds to 125 (-3 +128) in the CHAR record.

Mathtype 7.4.4 Keygen Activation Tutorial

SIZE record (9):

Consists of one of the following cases:

if lsize < 0 (explicit point size):

  • tag (9)
  • 101
  • -lsize (16 bits)

else if -128 < dsize < +128:

  • tag (9)
  • lsize
  • dsize + 128

else: (large delta)

  • tag (9)
  • 100
  • lsize
  • dsize (16 bits)

Sizes in MathType are represented as a pair of values, lsize and dsize. Lsize standsfor 'logical size', dsize for 'delta size'. If it is negative, it isan explicit point size (in 32nds of a point) negated and dsize is ignored. Otherwise,lsize is one of the following typesize values and dsize is a delta from that size:

5szUSER1user 1
6szUSER2user 2

TYPESIZE records (10-14):

Consists of:

  • tag (10-14)

These records are just short ways of specifying a simple typesize where dsize is zero.The tag value represents an lsize + 10. So if the tag value is 10, it means equationcontent following it will be Full size (szFULL), tag value 11 means szSUB, and so on.

Template Selectors and Variations

This section shows the selector and variation codes for all the templates. The symbolsshown here are internal identifiers in MathType and are for reference only. The classnames can be used to determine the order of subobjects in the list following the templatetag (see Template Subobject Order).

0tmANGLEangle bracketsParBoxClass
0tvBANGLEboth left and right
1tvLANGLEleft only
2tvRANGLEright only
0tvBPARENboth left and right
1tvLPARENleft only
2tvRPARENright only
2tmBRACEbraces (curly brackets)ParBoxClass
0tvBBRACEboth left and right
1tvLBRACEleft only
2tvRBRACEright only
3tmBRACKsquare bracketsParBoxClass
0tvBBRACKboth left and right
1tvLBRACKleft only
2tvRBRACKright only
4tmBARvertical barsParBoxClass
0tvBBARboth left and right
1tvLBARleft only
2tvRBARright only
5tmDBARdouble vertical barsParBoxClass
0tvBDBARboth left and right
1tvLDBARleft only
2tvRDBARright only
6tmFLOORfloor bracketsParBoxClass
7tmCEILINGceiling bracketsParBoxClass
8tmLBLBleft brace, left braceParBoxClass
9tmRBRBright brace, right braceParBoxClass
10tmRBLBright brace, left braceParBoxClass
11tmLBRPleft brace, right parenthesisParBoxClass
12tmLPRBleft parenthesis, right braceParBoxClass
0tvSQROOTsquare root
1tvNTHROOTnth root
0tvFFRACTfull-size slots
1tvPFRACTsubscript-size slots (piece fraction)
0tvSUBARsingle underbar
1tvDUBARdouble underbar
0tvSOBARsingle overbar
1tvDOBARdouble overbar
18tmLARROWleft-pointing arrowArroBoxClass
0tvLTARROWbox on top
1tvLBARROWbox below
19tmRARROWright-pointing arrowArroBoxClass
0tvRTARROWbox on top
1tvRBARROWbox below
20tmBARROWleft- and right-pointing arrowArroBoxClass
0tvBTARROWbox on top
1tvBBARROWbox below
21tmSINTsingle integralBigOpBoxClass
0tvNSINTno limits
1tvLSINTlower limit only
2tvBSINTboth limits
3tvNCINTcontour, no limits
4tvLCINTcontour, lower limit only
22tmDINTdouble integralBigOpBoxClass
0tvNDINTno limits
1tvLDINTlower limit only
2tvNAINTarea, no limits
3tvLAINTarea, lower limit only
23tmTINTtriple integralBigOpBoxClass
0tvNTINTno limits
1tvLTINTlower limit only
2tvNVINTvolume, no limits
3tvLVINTvolume, lower limit only
24tmSSINTsingle summation-style integralBigOpBoxClass
0tvBSSINTboth limits
1tvLSSINTlower limit only
2tvLCSINTcontour, lower limit only
25tmDSINTdouble summation-style integralBigOpBoxClass
0tvLASINTarea, lower limit only
1tvLDSINTlower limit only
26tmTSINTtriple summation-style integralBigOpBoxClass
0tvLVSINTvolume, lower limit only
1tvLTSINTlower limit only
27tmUHBRACEupper horizontal braceHBrBoxClass
28tmLHBRACElower horizontal braceHBrBoxClass
0tvLSUMlower only
1tvBSUMboth upper and lower limits
2tvNSUMno limits
30tmISUMsummation (integral-style limits)BigOpBoxClass
0tvLISUMlower only
1tvBISUMboth upper and lower limits
0tvLPRODlower only
1tvBPRODboth upper and lower limits
2tvNPRODno limits
32tmIPRODproduct (integral-style limits)BigOpBoxClass
0tvLIPRODlower only
1tvBIPRODboth upper and lower limits
0tvLCOPRODlower only
1tvBCOPRODboth upper and lower limits
2tvNCOPRODno limits
34tmICOPRODcoproduct (integral-style limits)BigOpBoxClass
0tvLICOPRODlower only
1tvBICOPRODboth upper and lower limits
0tvLUNIONlower only
1tvBUNIONboth upper and lower limits
2tvNUNIONno limits
36tmIUNIONunion (integral-style limits)BigOpBoxClass
0tvLIUNIONlower only
1tvBIUNIONboth upper and lower limits
0tvLINTERlower only
1tvBINTERboth upper and lower limits
2tvNINTERno limits
38tmIINTERintersection (integral-style limits)BigOpBoxClass
0tvLIINTERlower only
1tvBIINTERboth upper and lower limits
0tvULIMupper limit
1tvLLIMlower limit
2tvBLIMboth upper and lower limits
40tmLDIVlong divisionLDivBoxClass
0tvLDIVWwith upper slot
1tvLDIVWOwithout upper slot
41tmSLFRACTslash fractionsSlashBoxClass
1tvSLFBASEslots on baseline
2tvSLFSUBsubscript-sized slots
42tmINTOPbig integral-style operatorsBigOpBoxClass
0tvUINTOPupper limit
1tvLINTOPlower limit
2tvBINTOPboth upper and lower limits
43tmSUMOPbig summation-style operatorsBigOpBoxClass
0tvUSUMOPupper limit
1tvLSUMOPlower limit
2tvBSUMOPboth upper and lower limits
44tmLSCRIPTleading sub- and superscriptsScrBoxClass
2tvLSUBSUPsubscript and superscript
45tmDIRACDirac deltaDiracBoxClass
0tvBDIRACboth left and right slots
1tvLDIRACleft slot only
2tvRDIRACright slot only
46tmUARROWunder arrowVectorBoxClass
2tvDUARROWdouble-headed (left and right)
47tmOARROWover arrowVectorBoxClass
2tvDOARROWdouble-headed (left and right)
48tmOARCover arcArcBoxClass

Template Subobject Order

The following list shows the order of subobjects for each template class:

ArcBoxClass vector notation

  • main slot

ArroBoxClass expanding arrows

Mathtype 7 4 3 X 4 3

  • main slot
  • arrow character

BarBoxClass over-bars and under-bars

  • main slot

BigOpBoxClass integrals, summations, products, etc.

  • main slot (summand, integrand)
  • upper slot
  • lower slot
  • large operator character

DiracBoxClass three-part bracket structure

  • left slot
  • right slot
  • left angle bracket (optional)
  • vertical bar
  • right angle bracket (optional)

Mathtype 7 4 3 X 4 12

FracBoxClass fractions with a horizontal bar

  • numerator slot
  • denominator slot

HBrBoxClass horizontal expanding braces

  • main slot
  • small slot
  • brace character

LDivBoxClass long division

  • dividend slot
  • quotient slot

Mathtype 7 4 3 X 4 2 2x 1

LimBoxClass limits

  • main slot
  • lower slot
  • upper slot

ParBoxClass parenthesized or bracketed slots

  • main slot
  • left fence character (optional)
  • right fence character (optional)

RootBoxClass radical sign

  • main slot
  • radicand slot

ScrBoxClass subscripts and superscripts

  • subscript slot
  • superscript slot

SlashBoxClass fractions with a diagonal bar

  • numerator slot
  • denominator slot

VectorBoxClass box with upper or lower arrow

  • main slot

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